Duration | 2 Jam | |
Intrepeter | Local Guide Dipandu dalam English, Indonesian, French | |
Activity 1 | Exploration Traditional House Visiting Tempe Home Industry and Buying Tempe for Cooking. | |
Activity 2 | Agro Plantation Agro Tourism Visit, See the Tumpangsari Farming system (Multiple Cropping System) in Candirejo Village.
Choose some vegetables for salads. | |
Activity 3 | Traditional Shop Go to a traditional shop to find / buy some spices. | |
Activity 4 | Practicing Cooking Lesson Go to the resident's house to start cooking. | |
Refreshment | Lunch At Local House Enjoy your lunch. |
Eksplorasi Desa Candirejo dapat dilakukan dengan mengendarai dokar atau sepeda dan kemudian beristirahat di rumah tradisional, sambil menikmati makanan ringan tradisional dan minum teh gula jawa, dan kemudian bersama pemilik rumah atau pemandu lokal belajar memasak makanan tradisional dengan cara tradisional untuk makan siang.
The Exploration can be done by riding dokar hours carriage (vello) or traditional old bicycle taking a rest at traditional house, while enjoying traditional snack and drink, for later with the lokal house’s owner practicing cooking lesson in traditional way in with some material of cooking for luncheon.